A lower-quadrant, mechanically-operated, semaphore starting signal with operation detection, mounted at the end of an 8ft platform cantilvered to the right from a 22ft wooden post. Original oil lamp is still in place. The semaphore can take 2 positions over the lowerer quadrant: horizontal (STOP), and -50 degrees (PROCEED).
The starting signal was the last signal out of a station yard, beyond which a train would enter the safeworking section between this starting signal's yard and the next.
For correct operation of the starting signal, there should be a distant signal on the approach, then a home signal at the entry, to the next station yard.
In game, to obtain a more realisitic speed profile for trains travelling between station yards, an invisible signal can be added to the track at the driver sighting distance from the distant signal.
The distance (metres) between this signal and (a) the outer home signal associated with this signal, (b) an approaching train beyond which the signal is held at STOP, can be set by the user in the Properties editor. The default home-signal distance is 300m and default approach distance is 1300m.