An animated model of a pedestrian railway crossing employed by NSWGR in the mid 20th century.
Model based on a level crossing in operation at Hawkesbury River, NSW in the 1950s.
Intended for use as one part of a kit allowing the assembly of crossings tailored to their locations. The kit comprises the following KUID 368725 assets:
20384 - NSWGR railway crossing boom gate, lefthand
20385 - NSWGR railway crossing boom gate, righthand
20386 - NSWGR railway crossing pedestrian gate, lefthand
20387 - NSWGR railway crossing pedestrian gate, righthand
20388 - NSWGR railway crossing warning light, post mount, red flash
20389 - NSWGR railway crossing control, single track
20390 - NSWGR railway crossing control, double track, 12ft spacing
20391 - NSWGR railway crossing pedestrian boards, single track
20392 - NSWGR railway crossing pedestrian boards, double track, 12ft spacing
20393 - NSWGR gatekeepers cabin for mechanically-operated crossing
The cabin can be interconnected with the booms and ped gates using rodding from the series <kuid:368725:30062 to 30085> and cranks from the series <kuid:368725:20086 to 20104 and 20266 to 20315>.
The cabin has a partially submerged equipment room under the operating floor. When placing the asset use a 5m grid and create a 1.4m depression at one ground grid point. Place the asset with the lower extrance over the depression centre, then raise the asset height until the lower door is fully exposed. A ground mesh is provided to cover the unwanted parts of the depression.