A Pennsylvania Railroad Interlocking Tower sign for DI (BELL) Interlocker. DI (BELL) controlled connections to east end of WJ (HOMER) receiving yard, and Bellwood Branch.
Based on PRR Drawing Number 78163-B, dated 1928; and PRR Drawing Number 61805, dated August 1913. PRR used telegraph call letters until 1942, from 1942 the Pennsy began to use place names as CTC was adopted. Developed using GMAX. NOTE: this object is a building object. It is intended to be used as a placable building sign.
There is a scaled drawing of the numbers included to make reskinning easier.
KUID explaination -
1st digit 2 = building
2nd-4th digit = PRR CT1000 number
5th-6th digit = building for location