Industrial Buildings Series Factory Chimney 100ft high 01 Red Brown Brick Dirty
Right through the age of steam, coal powered industry as much as transport, and factory chimneys dominated industrial areas - look at the paintings of L.S. Lowry, for example. Many stacks were still standing decades after the factories had closed or been converted to alternative sources of power, but lack of costly maintenance meant that a large number became unsafe over the years and have since been demolished.
I've been visiting those still standing around Tayside and this 100ft high early 20th century example is inspired by one of my discoveries.
A request from Bob Sanders of Trainz Carriage and Wagon Works for a version in Red Brown Brick suitable for use by Southerners prompted an off-board exchange where he reminded me that Chimneys might be associated with relatively clean rural industries such as dairies,breweries and laundries as well as the dark satanic mills of big conurbations, so that not all would necessarily be heavily weathered, hence the two versions of this brick.
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