Scottish buildings series Rural Buildings Pack 1 Butt'n'Benn Pair 2
IMPORTANT: You need to have <kuid:252585:3197060> downloaded for this asset to appear in game.
The tiny single storey two-roomed cottage, often called a Butt and Ben (from the Gaelic for 'outside' and 'inside', dating back to times when animals had one end of a dwelling and humans the other) is the most ubiquitous of all Scottish dwellings, providing housing for farm or estate worker and fisherfolk alike.
Pairs such as these are a common sight: in the fiteen minute walk to our local station I pass more than twenty, which is only a few less than there are singles.
They are especially common on larger country estates and farms, where, due to the labour-intensive methods of farming before mechanisation, there might have to be several grouped together in order to be able to accomodate all the staff and their families.
Blender/FBX/PBR with 4 Levels of LOD: 1: 2318 polys, 2: 1838, 3:1218, 4: 40