This Warehouse is part of 5 variants built in Buffalo, New York
it is 523 feet by 124 feet based on a footprint it made in a Geographic
map I had to make guess's about the ends of the buildings and size as
I lacked blueprints or drawings for this building. The produce business
created challenges for the railroads because buyers only wanted a little of
everything but nothing in particular. This required taking carloads of say
lettuce, Oranges, Apples and so forth and consolidating the mixture into
truckload deliveries. Each of these Garage doors were wholesaler stalls in
which buyers like supermarkets and restaurants would bid on the farmers lot as
unloaded from railcars. This particular building is part of what was called the
Niagara Frontier Food Terminal. The NFFT was a joint venture between the Erie
Railroad and the Nickel Plate Road. This is a two story building with the Art
Deco Towers on each end. This model has signs for NFFT