A simple rule to control a specified path for a selected train. The path is defined by the track segments lying between a set of junctions. These track segments are selected by choosing the apropriate junctions with their track directions. Once the selected train enters a specified trigger, this rule automatically sends a request to the control center to control the path for the selected train. Once the clearance is obtained (i.e, permission to use the path is given) by the control center, the path is hold by the selected train until the train enters another specified trigger. Holding a path means all the specified junctions are set to the specified track directions along the path and locked until the path is released by the train. For each track segment of the path, two types of permissions can be requested. The train can either obtain a DIRECTIONAL or an EXCLUSIVE permission. The DIRECTIONAL permission allows all the trains heading in the same direction to use the same track, while the EXCLUSIVE permission allows only one train to use the track at a time, regardless of their heading directions. Multiple rules can be defined within ORDERED and/or SIMULTANEOUS LISTS, so that an entire trip can be defined. However, this rule does not have support for child rules. This rule is tested in TRS2009; however, it may as well work for earlier versions. If you have any questions let me know at atilabarut@yahoo.com. Good luck.