This e-spec was made specifically for driving steam locomotives in CAB MODE -- not recommended for DCC/AI use. See for instructions regarding coal levels to use when running locos with this e-spec, as it may require a different technique that what you're accustomed to to using. If these methods are followed you should have minimal problems with keeping the boiler temperatures under control and have minimal problems with safety valves lifting.
This is a TS2009/TS2010/TS12 steam enginespec (e-spec) designed for Ben Neal's USRA Light Mikado (2-8-2) locomotive that enables it to pull approximately the same number of cars pulled by the real 2-8-2s, e.g. about fifty 55 ton cars (plus caboose) on level track and up .5-percent grade. Braking capacity has been slightly increased to allow for better handling of l-o-n-g trains down steep grades.