Another model created in Google SketchUp and exported to Trainz with RubyTMIX. These 3 wierd åäö-buildings are located in Östberga, Stockholm, Sweden, at the street in question, and they are pretty newly constructed. Thanks to Kristina Alvendal, minister of Screw The Middle Class, these 3 buildings are the only public housings left in Östberga, 49 other buildings has been overturned to housing cooperatives, which I personally dislike. All the 3 buildings have the same textures to them, but in reality the middle one have a laundryroom, in the left bottom floor, which in the front fasad shouldn´t have windows there, just plain white wall. But I didn´t care to make the model heavier just to add a new texture, I could say I care about that less then I care about doing my laundry... ehehe. I did however make a difference to the middle building in adding the door to the north fasad, instead of the windows in the whole bottom floor there... Model made by Stefan Larsson.