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<kuid2:344263:100128:14> N Scale CMTMSystem3MP 1.4E

Тип: Библиотека
Опубликовано: 20.06.2020 23:54:54
Скачиваний: 36
Размер: 49.0 kB


Car Movement and Traffic Management System2 is an automated car destination system.

Each freightcar on a route is assigned a series of destinations based on a database you create. In Driver, the destination data for each freightcar in a train on which the camera is focused is displayed in a window.

This extensions.cmtmdatasoup in the config file must be modified to meet your specific route requirements. This asset must be used with the CMTMPortal2 <kuid:32711:1317> and other specific assets as explained in the manual.

Users Manual can be found here: http://www.gaurc.us/crewroom/dap/CMTMSystem205/CMTMSystem2Manual.pdf


sorting.gs 11.9 kB
preview.jpg 43.6 kB
cmtmsystem3mp.gs 90.7 kB
Общий объём файлов: 146.3 kB

Версии элемента:
kuid kind name build date size
<kuid2:344263:100128:14> library N Scale CMTMSystem3MP 1.4E 3.6 20.06.2020 23:54:54 49.0 kB

kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid:-3:10010> #-3 product Нефть 2 1.12.2022 1:08:34 21.8 kB
<kuid:-3:10013> #-3 product Товары 0 25.06.2020 16:55:55 158.0 kB
<kuid:-3:10197> #-3 library ПеременныеСессии 0 2.07.2020 9:39:31 257 B
<kuid2:30671:9390110:2> #30671 product Plastic granular 2 20.06.2020 23:03:05 23.5 kB
<kuid2:30671:90710292:2> #30671 product Vegetable, (canned) pallet 2 17.05.2020 16:33:29 12.7 kB
<kuid2:30671:92203001:3> #30671 product Beer, pallet 2 29.11.2022 4:49:17 81.8 kB
<kuid:32711:1230> #32711 product Lumber 2.9 20.06.2020 23:55:11 7.8 kB
<kuid:32711:100029> #32711 product Bakery Goods on Pallet 2.9 20.06.2020 23:09:37 12.1 kB
<kuid:32711:100031> #32711 product corrigated-boxes-flat 2.9 20.06.2020 23:02:27 13.5 kB
<kuid:32711:100045> #32711 product Piano 2.9 20.06.2020 23:00:39 8.5 kB
<kuid:32711:100050> #32711 product Cast Iron Parts 2.9 20.06.2020 23:06:35 11.4 kB
<kuid:32711:100111> #32711 product Textile Roll 2.9 20.06.2020 23:55:15 10.0 kB
<kuid2:44988:80020:8> #44988 product Bricks on a Pallet 4 5.05.2020 12:29:06 82.5 kB
<kuid2:46162:60001:13> #46162 product Grain HP 2.9 30.01.2015 20:24:05 71.8 kB
<kuid2:61392:4000:32> #61392 library Common data library 3.8 26.04.2023 13:14:28 32.2 kB
<kuid2:61392:4002:30> #61392 library Extended SessionVariables library 3.8 1.05.2023 16:18:33 48.7 kB
<kuid2:61392:4006:20> #61392 library global session variables library 3.7 20.01.2024 17:50:14 32.2 kB
<kuid2:63971:80010:1> #63971 product drum_load 2 20.06.2020 22:59:14 168.1 kB
<kuid2:65432:10711:2> #65432 product Empty Cans 2.2 25.07.2023 13:58:18 236.5 kB
<kuid2:124017:27011:4> #124017 product Cleaner Coal 3.5 10.01.2021 17:47:49 36.2 kB
<kuid2:174088:99007:1> #174088 product tarp load 2.4 20.04.2023 12:22:04 134.4 kB
<kuid2:174088:99008:1> #174088 product pipe1 load 2.4 8.01.2018 17:08:40 62.7 kB
<kuid2:177548:115004:1> #177548 product Load Weldment 1a undercoat 3.3 6.05.2023 13:00:47 87.1 kB
<kuid2:177548:115008:2> #177548 product Load Weldment 2 undercoat 3.3 6.05.2023 13:00:48 62.6 kB
Всего связей: 24, неизвестных связей: 0

Зависимые элементы:
kuid author kind name build date size
<kuid2:344263:100129:4> #344263 industry FMR&LRR MP Test CMTMPortal3MP 1.1 3.2 23.07.2020 19:22:09 55.3 kB
<kuid:344263:100486> #344263 industry N Scale MP Test CMTMPortal3MP 1 3.6 20.06.2020 23:07:32 55.3 kB


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